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Lamborghini Invencible and Autentica: A Bittersweet Swansong
IN Lamborghini, Invencible, Autentica, Bittersweet, Swansong, Italian, Marque, V12
It’s time to say goodbye to the V12 supercar era of Lamborghini, and what better way to send it off than to create two one-off monsters – a roadster and a coupé.
Lamborghini Invencible and Autentica: A Bittersweet Swansong
IN Lamborghini, Invencible, Autentica, Bittersweet, Swansong, Italian, Marque, V12
It’s time to say goodbye to the V12 supercar era of Lamborghini, and what better way to send it off than to create two one-off monsters – a roadster and a coupé.