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The Bugatti Tourbillon Is The Chiron’s Successor
IN Bugatti, Tourbillon, Chiron, V16, Hypercar
So that’s where the V16 engine ended up in - the new Bugatti Tourbillon, and it comes with 1,775bhp.
Bugatti’s next hypercar will have a V16 engine
The W16 is dead, but at least it’s not replaced by some form of electrification. Long live the V16!
The Bugatti Tourbillon Is The Chiron’s Successor
IN Bugatti, Tourbillon, Chiron, V16, Hypercar
So that’s where the V16 engine ended up in - the new Bugatti Tourbillon, and it comes with 1,775bhp.
Bugatti’s next hypercar will have a V16 engine
The W16 is dead, but at least it’s not replaced by some form of electrification. Long live the V16!