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The VW ID Buzz is a reborn hippie van for the electric age
The iconic Volkswagen Type 2 Microbus returns as a modern electric MPV and commercial van
VW’s Iconic Microbus Will Return
IN Volkswagen, ID Buzz, Volkswagen ID Buzz, Kombi, Microbus, Hybrid, Hybrid Electric, Electric, Concept, 2022
2022 will see the modern iteration of the once iconic Kombi model be put into production
The VW ID Buzz is a reborn hippie van for the electric age
The iconic Volkswagen Type 2 Microbus returns as a modern electric MPV and commercial van
VW’s Iconic Microbus Will Return
IN Volkswagen, ID Buzz, Volkswagen ID Buzz, Kombi, Microbus, Hybrid, Hybrid Electric, Electric, Concept, 2022
2022 will see the modern iteration of the once iconic Kombi model be put into production