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Caught In A... | Chrysler Crossfire

A stunning looking car that looks gorgeous from any angle, the Chrysler Crossfire has certainly won Susan and Mark over. But why?


Singapore's Best Mitsubishi Evo | Entry Four (4)

There's something about the night with this Evo X. Decked out and matched from head to tail in stealthy black, it's a sleeper in the works.


Singapore's Best Mitsubishi Evo | Entry Three (3)

Drive your blues away with this neat and clean Evo X. Pampered with a long list of parts to make it stylish without being loud, 'understated aggression' sums up this blue entry the best!


Singapore's Best Mitsubishi Evo | Entry Two (2)

Tearing up the track circuits in the region is this tasty OHLINS-themed Evo X. Definitely eye-catching, there's even a matching helmet to boot!


Singapore's Best Mitsubishi Evo | Entry One (1)

Here's a drool-worthy entry to kick things off for our sure-to-be-awesome Evo competition - a fully decked-out Evo X with a refreshing colour theme. It's yummy inside and out!


Ferrari Reveals The Ferrari FF

Ferrari has revealed the first photographs of the new Ferrari FF, the company's most powerful, versatile four-seater ever, as well as its first ever four-wheel drive car.


Singapore's Best VW Golf | Entry Eight (8)

Our final entry is a unique Caractere kitted TSI with a pile of other expensive goodies that make it a one-of-a-kind Golf.


Singapore's Best VW Golf | Entry Seven (7)

This fully decked-out ABT GTi Mk6 has a clean but aggressive demeanor. Complimenting its handsome looks is a brawny ABT-tuned engine to match.


Singapore's Best VW Golf | Entry Six (6)

This contrasty white Mk5 GTi on glossy black rims packs a Stage 2 punch and whole list of go-fast mods.


Singapore's Best VW Golf | Entry Five (5)

This Mk 6 GTi may look like it just rolled out of the showroom, but it's the attention to detail paid to what's beneath the skin that matters.


Singapore's Best VW Golf | Entry Four (4)

Seeing double? Not quite, while No. 4 may sport similar decals to No. 1, this car is fully decked out in a different trim!


MotoRex To Distribute aFe Power

MotoRex Performance Pte Ltd has recently been appointed sole distributor for aFe Power intake systems and air filters.


Singapore's Best VW Golf | Entry Three (3)

White is clearly the favourite colour among Golf owners, but entry number 3 has done some minor tweaks to help his stand out from the rest.


Singapore's Best VW Golf | Entry Two (2)

This red hot GT has the looks of a GTi, plus some added bits and an awesome ICE system to make it really stand out from the crowd!


Singapore's Best VW Golf | Entry One (1)

Our first Volkswagen Golf entry is an eye-catching white GTi with V50-styled black livery and Lime green accents. Let the competition begin!


Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli

The Maranello Corse Clienti Department has announced changes for next season’s racing in the build up to the 2010 Finali Mondiali Ferrari, which will take place at Valencia’s Ricardo Tormo circuit


Best WRX In Singapore | Wild Card Entry

Our wild card entry is a 700bhp wide-bodied monster. Feast your eyes on this final contestant - voting will begin this weekend!


Best WRX In Singapore | Entry Eight (8)

Our only hatchback (GR) entry is a grey unit that has been through many mods in the past. What's left is something aggressive, yet falls on the right side of the law, well almost...


Best WRX In Singapore | Entry Seven (7)

Entry no. 7 may be stock-looking, but this red and gold WRX is still worth a good look.


Best WRX In Singapore | Entry Six (6)

Full of one-off customised parts and one-and-onlys, this entry is classy clean but full of goodies, not forgetting that extensive ICE system!