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1,500 Orders Already Received For Focus RS
IN Ford, Focus, RS, Focus RS, 2016 Ford Focus RS
Ford’s all-new Focus RS has raced up to 1,500 orders from UK buyers alone - all without a single test drive being taken
Ford's New Focus RS
IN Ford, Focus, RS, Ford Focus RS
Listen up all hot-hatch fans: Ford's all-wheel drive Focus RS all set to thrill!
1,500 Orders Already Received For Focus RS
IN Ford, Focus, RS, Focus RS, 2016 Ford Focus RS
Ford’s all-new Focus RS has raced up to 1,500 orders from UK buyers alone - all without a single test drive being taken
Ford's New Focus RS
IN Ford, Focus, RS, Ford Focus RS
Listen up all hot-hatch fans: Ford's all-wheel drive Focus RS all set to thrill!